Demonstrating June 18th and 19th

Sudden rain closed us down early on Tuesday but Wednesday was beautiful.  We had had our youngest demonstrators and our most senior all this week.   The lady in her 9th decade put us all to shame standing the entire time.

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One thought on “Demonstrating June 18th and 19th

  1. Here’s some irony I just discovered. The organization that the Catholic planning bureaucrats all belong to is the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development. They just had their annual convention in, of couse, Las Vegas. This is the organization that establishes the ideology that allows the bureaucrats to identify the bad parishes that must be destroyed. See their Las Vegas agenda. Well, just to make things stranger, their mailing address is right in your neighborhood. Zip code 19149. 19149 is so close to the Bridge-Pratt El stop that I’d call it Frankford, but I know you guys up there take neighborhood borders seriously, and it might not actually be Frankford. You can learn an awful lot about the beliefs and ideology of the church and school closers on their website It seems that the people who got the ball rolling on the unjust decision to close your parish may think they know lots about your area. It is very strange that the mailing address of their organization is so close to you.

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